*** MP-Designer 3D *** Versionshinweise / Release notes _________________________________________________ Version : 3.43.007 Date : 2024-08-08 Kernel : Dataset : 2408.1 _________________________________________________ (c) MÜPRO Services GmbH Befestigungs- und Schallschutzsysteme / Support technology and vibration control systems Borsigstrasse 14, D-65205 Wiesbaden Phone: +49 6122 808 0 Mail : info@muepro.de Web : www.muepro.com _________________________________________________ Bitte richten Sie Ihre Fragen zum MP Designer 3D sowie Anmerkungen und Verbesserungvorschlaege an MÜPRO Digital Tools & Services: Please direct your questions to the MP Designer 3D as well as comments and suggestions for improvement to MÜPRO Digital Tools & Services : Phone: +49 6122 808 505 Mail : bim@muepro.de